Taoist Light Medical Qigong to fit busy life style

Taoist Light Medical Qigong training is coming up on this Saturday, Oct. 6, 2-4 pm at Taoist Light Wellness. Welcome new comers and returning students to come back refreshing the teaching.

Finding the root and original knot of illnesses, so we can untie it… simple yet powerful practice, only takes 3-5 min a day. Promote healing for old unwholesome conditions and future illness prevention.

We look forward to working with you on Saturday!

Mid-Autumn Festival tea-gathering

9/22 ( Saturday) 2-4 pm. Welcome to all.

The Mid-autumn Festival Tune

míng yuè jǐ shí yǒu bǎ jiǔ wèn qīng tiān

明 月 几 时 有?把 酒 问 青 天。

When will the moon be bright and clear?

With a cup in my hand, I ask the deep blue sky.

bù zhī tiān shàng gōng què jīn xī shì hé niān

不 知 天 上 宫 阙,今 夕 是 何 年。

Not knowing what is the time of year

would be tonight in the palace on high.

wǒ yù chéng fēng guī qù yòu kǒng qiòng lòu yù yù gāo chù bú shèng hán

我 欲 乘 风 归 去,又 恐 琼 楼 玉 宇, 高 处 不 胜 寒。

Riding the wind, there I would fly.

Yet I wonder if the jade and crystal mansions would be too high and freezing.

qǐ wǔ nóng qīng yǐng hé sì zài rén jiān

起 舞 弄 清 影,何 似 在 人 间?

Dancing with my shadow, how does it feel in the world?

zhuān zhū gē dī qǐ hù zhào wú mián

转 朱 阁,低 绮 户,照 无 眠。

Turning around the red pavilion, stooping through the gauzed window, the moon shines upon the sleepless.

bù yīng yǒu hèng hé shì cháng xiàng bié shí yuān

不 应 有 恨,何 事 长 向 别 时 圆?

The moon should bear us no ill-will, why is it oft full and bright when people part from each other?

rēn yǒu bēi huān lí hé yuè yǒu yīn qíng yuán quē cǐ shì gǔ nān quān

人 有 悲 欢 离 合, 月 有 阴 晴 圆 缺,此 事 古 难 全。

People may have sorrows and joys, partings and reunions,

as well as the moon is bright or dim, wax and wane. Rare is perfect since the ancient times.

dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ qiān lǐ góng chán juān

但 愿 人 长 久,千 里 共 婵 娟。

May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together,

even if we are hundreds of miles apart.

Su Shi was a famous poet in North Song (960-1127). In this poem, the emotions of joy and sadness combine with philosophical thinking reflecting the author’s feeling of complexity and contradiction, as well as passion of life and the optimistic view.

Searching the WAY

Since most self-cultivators’ life purpose is to achieve awakening state in this one life time. Usually only the cultivator himself can realize he has reached this goal. There is a story about a man who went out traveling searching the Tao (the way), he finally got back to the temple and saw his teacher still read all the books day and night but could not get it. It happened that a little fly was trying to go through the window covered with paper. He decided to convey a message to his teacher by saying: “ Oh, little fly, don't you see the door is wide open, why are you still trying so hard to pass through the old window paper?” His teacher then realized that his student had already obtained Tao.

Since the Tao is invisible and untouchable, we often follow a great teacher who has obtained Tao and manifested enlightenment in them. When cultivators ask what are the characteristics of a Taoist or Buddhist who have reached enlightenment?

Basically two things: no attachment to self and no attachment to certain ways, thus there is no suffering or agony as a consequence.

Attachment is not diligent practice, attachment will root more pain and discomforts; but a diligent practice leads non-attachment and fulfillment of cultivation.

So keep up with your practice to non-attachment following the natural flow and go to obtain your Tao/the Way. You will know once you are there/here.

About Our healing work

Actual cases that were/are completely healed from Taoist Light Wellness through private healing sessions and Taoist Light Qigong self-practice:

1.) chronic fatigue syndromes, 2.) cancer, 3.) leukemia, 4.) bipolar disorder, 5.) vertigo, 6.) depression, 7.) aches and pains, 8.) kidney stone, 9.) overwhelming sadness from loss, 10.) weight-loss, 11.) stress, 12.) insomnia, 13.) heart conditions, 14.) blood infections, 15.) breathing problems, 16.) skin conditions, 17.) sinus infections, 18.) hearing loss, 19.) carpal tunnel syndrome, 20.) arthritis, 21.) sex addiction, 21.) hemorrhoids, 23.) tennis elbow, 24.) surgeries and injuries, 25.) sciatic pain, etc.

Other conditions that improved greatly(mostly people did not continue the sessions):

1.) HIV, 2.) rheumatoid arthritis, 3.) paralyses, 4.) multiple sclerosis, 5.) chemical sensitivities, 6.) loss of direction in life, 7.) Parkinson's disease 8.) other addictions, etc.

We are an alternative healing center; we do not intend to diagnose or treat any disease or illnesses. If you have an acute condition, please check with your doctor. We can help prepare the body and mind for medical procedures to ensure that they will go smoothly and successfully, and help the body to recover from a procedure faster with no/less complications.

China Trip

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I recently visited Xi'an, China, to be with my parents. They are still living in the same complex where I grew up, and they have been there for the past 50 years.

My parents choose not to move elsewhere because the community is amazingly supportive. Friendly and warm-hearted neighbors are like families to each other. They keep an eye on the apartments and help each other when one is in need. They hang around, play, dance, or go out grocery shopping together.

Both of my parents are at their 80's, and most people living close-by are as old as them, so I watched how many others were using wheelchairs or walking with tremendous difficulty. But mom walked with me for a whole day on foot, and then we went back, she went up two steps at the time, going upstairs with ease. My father's skin is smooth and shining, and his hair is still pretty much all black. All of these convinced me how it is so important to take care of one's health, so one can grow older healthily and gracefully. Mom is still very active: she has organized two groups, one is about 20 people who play folk music instruments and do performances during the holidays; while another group is for healing and health. She started a new trigger point massage healing room, and trained seven volunteers who offer service to their community.

One of my important reasons for making the visit was to help my dad get a hearing-aid, since he could not hear me over the phone, but he told me he already got a hearing aid, but it makes so much static noises, he does not want to wear it. A week after I was there, I took a walk with him as we did everyday, and we chattered all along. To my surprise, without the hearing aid, he responded to my every word. His hearing is finally coming back clearly after mom had been working on him for one month and half. I decided to learn this new healing technique from her.

I was born and grew up in Xi'an until I was 18 years old. This gigantic ancient city still nourishes and holds my roots and basic understanding of a good life, healthy friendship, effective healing, and much more.

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Levels of Qigong practice state

A self-proclaimed "Qigong grand-master" in China ordained for a suspect criminal case for killing his disciple. The ridiculous thing was that he claimed he has reached to the highest "Qigong state" which was to obtain snakes from far away. For example, he could do tricks to get snakes into his empty bowl which tons of Indians on the street can do that, right? And Indians honestly told people that was simply a trick. This guy called it Qigong, and thus he was the greatest "Qigong grand-master". The strange phenomenon was that dozens of celebrities and successful businessmen  were becoming his followers and devotees, regardless this guy had a record in prison previously because of his multiple scams and sexual-misconducts towards women. When I was watching his video on "Qigong", I almost laughed out loud. The "grand master" certainly can play tricks on snakes but much more so on people,  but all have nothing to do with Qigong. Who have helped to create this kind of  "Qigong Masters" who never practice nor cultivate on themselves, get angry easily and curse and kill?  It is because of human's blindness, unfortunately many people like tricks much more than repetitive and solid cultivation day after a day.

So what is real Qigong state levels?

Level I: cleanse out illness Qi and build a healthy foundation

That's why most Qigong masters were ill themselves and they can use Qigong practice to heal themselves and continue with the practice.

Cleansing out illness Qi, also means to cleanse our mind out the poisons thoughts (Yee Nien): greed, anger and jealousy ignorance and misconduct sexual energy.

( Practice Taoist Light Qigong Level I)

Level II. transcendental ability

It is a by-product of self-cultivation but not the purpose. Some can not eat  anything for days or even walk on egg shells without break them, but this is not it. Because all these abilities without integrity, purpose and self discipline can go in vain especially when being misused.

(Practice Taoist Light Qigong level II)

Level III Heaven and Human are merged into oneness

The gate of universe Qi is open, practitioner's mind is peaceful and pure, thus it is in the alignment with the heavenly Qi, one's wisdom eye is open, we can receive the message we need to help others or not.  When we understand the how the universe worked, we start to use our abilities to serve more on the earth and help others correctly.

(Practice Taoist Light Qigong stage II)

Level IV. Ultimate freedom

Our own soul become immortal and most masters live long full-filling life in fully awakened state. Yet they are more "normal", humble and comfortable to be with. Their hearts are full of compassion, mind is ever-clear, hands are very powerful. But they can let go all of these and just become a quiet observer at peace at all times.

(Practice Taoist Light Qigong stage III)




Deep gratitude and Acknowledgement


We want to give great thanks to the following patrons who have supported and donated funds to Taoist Light Wellness so we can move through the very difficult time after these horrific natural disasters in Santa Barbara.

Pro. George Singer

Milena Ophuls

Caroline Blakemore

Elizabeth & Matthew Sperling

Rhonda Richey

Elisabeth Bourjaily

We have got to keep the space for Taoist Light Wellness center and many have been benefited from its peaceful healing energy and spacious practice room; and many more will gather here for healing and recovery.


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