Tao Te Ching -80

We are approaching a "peaceful culmination" of our journey through the Tao Te Ching, with only two chapters remaining. This week, we will study Chapter 80, which encapsulates a lifestyle imbued with simplicity, contentment, and peaceful coexistence. Please envision an ideal community thriving in harmony and individual fulfillment based on Taoist non-doing (non-interference).

Tao Te Ching -80

In a small country with few people,

They have various tools, but do not employ them;

They cherish their life and have no desire to relocate elsewhere;

Even if there are boats and carriages, they have no need for them;

Even if there are weapons and armors, they do not display them.

People return to using knotted cords to record events.

They enjoy their food, appreciate their clothing,

are content with their homes, and delight in their way of life.

Neighboring countries are within sight of one another,

and the sounds of roosters and dogs are heard,

but the people there grow old and die

without ever engaging in friction or conflict.

Translated by Chiyan Wang