Tao Te Ching #66

Tao Te Ching. - Chapter 66 emphasizes the importance of humility in our practice. It reminds us that when we hold our thoughts with arrogance or conceit, our minds become susceptible to straying from the path of true cultivation. Therefore, a Taoist strives to maintain a tranquil and uncluttered mind, refraining from comparisons and unhealthy competitions Hope these profound teachings can empower us on our spiritual journey.

Tao Te Ching #66

All rivers flow to the sea

because it lies beneath them.

Humility empowers.

To govern people,

a master positions herself lower than them.

To lead the people,

She must follow them.

The Master is above the people,

yet none feel oppressed.

She walks in front of people,

yet none feel obstructed.

The world delightfully supports her,

for she competes with no one,

and none can compete with her.

Translated by Chiyan Wang