Taoist Qing Cheng Mountain

On July 8, 2023, we embarked on an unforgettable journey to climb the renowned Taoist Mountain, Qing Cheng Mountain.

For years, I had been fascinated by the ancient stone path that meandered through a lush green forest, adorned with hidden Taoist temples. Finally, we decided to make the trip, taking a high-speed bullet train from my hometown of Xi'an to Chengdu, covering the distance at an exhilarating 230 miles per hour.

Opting for the old original path allowed us to experience a more secluded trek, where the presence of fewer people was overshadowed by the breathtaking beauty of nature. However, it wasn't without challenges as my sons, who had been working with their peers in America until 3 am due to the time difference, were quite exhausted when I called them to rise around 6 am for our grand hiking adventure.

As we passed through the gate into the mountain, we immediately felt the temperature drop by 8 degrees, signifying the transition from two contrasting worlds. Surprisingly, instead of feeling drained, we found ourselves gaining more energy as we ascended towards the Taoist temples. By 7 pm in the afternoon, the boys were bounding up the steps, leaping five at a time!

During our ascent, I caught sight of an elder Taoist monk seemingly floating down the path as he walked with such effortless grace, resembling a figure from a martial arts novel. His hair and beard were as white as a crane's feathers, yet his face held the serenity of a newborn baby.

Taoists have inhabited these mountains for generations, leading a simple life disconnected from modern amenities like cell phones and Wi-Fi. When we had lunch atop the mountain, my boys couldn't help but remark on the delightful taste of the meal. It consisted of humble zucchini and tomatoes, which had absorbed and thrived on the nourishing energy of nature and the Taoist light.

The experience of climbing Qin Cheng Mountain and immersing ourselves in the profound simplicity of the Taoist way of life left an indelible mark on our spirits, reminding us of the timeless wisdom that can be still found.