Tao Te Ching #41
A wise student hears of the Tao,
And practices it diligently.
An average student hears of the Tao,
And half believes and half doubts.
A foolish student hears of the Tao,
And laughs out loud.
If such a student did not laugh,
It would not be the Tao.
Thus it is said:
The path into light seems dark;
The path forward seems backward;
The path to tranquility seems rough.
Goodness so high seems humble;
Purity so great seems disgraceful;
Virtue so vast seems inadequate;
Virtue so stable seems unsteady;
Virtue so constant seems changeable.
The biggest heart has no dark corners;
The greatest talent seems delayed;
The greatest music seems silent;
The greatest form seems formless.
The great Tao is hidden and nameless,
Thus only the Tao can bring fulfillment to all.
Translated by Chiyan Wang
Edited by Noah Wang & R. H. S